Friday, March 11, 2011

New Three-Week GOP Funding Resolution Would Slash Funds For Tsunami Monitoring And Disaster Response

Japan's catastrophe has left the world in shock. As I was looking for blogs to read I encountered one at ThinkProgress, in which they talk about how they will be some national cuts on the budget for the Tsunami Warning Centers.  In the article the author stresses out the fact that in the U.S. specially right now when the Hurricane season is starting we need a good Tsunami and Storm tracking and cutting budges on this agencies could really affect us.

The author, Kevin Donohoe who is an intern for did a great job by providing exact amounts of the budget cut for the agencies. He also provides a lot of information on how this cuts can really affect the U.S. readiness and aware system. He provided good links on proofs on what he says.

Personally, I think he might be right. I believe that we need a strong protection system not only against terrorism but also for natural disasters. Being able to forecast major disaster events can help us be prepared and reduce the amount of life loss. By cutting budgets, is like we are playing a game of feeling too secure. I'm pretty sure that there are many agencies in the government that are not important enough that can be cut down and get the money from that instead of taking money from agencies like FEMA; which are agencies that help us during catastrophes, just like the one in Japan.