Friday, February 11, 2011

Barak Obama Urges Hosni Mubarak's Departure, Calls Egyptian Protestors 'Inspiration'

  As I was going through almost every newspaper online, I kept seeing the story of how the U.S. helped Egypt to  make such a big step and finally have Democracy. In the ABC News they said how  President Obama basically ordered the president of Egypt to get out.

In interviews, Obama called this transition inspiring for the people around the world. It showed how the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military can help a country make such a big transition in such a peaceful way.  Egypt now becomes one of the most powerful allies of the United States. This change basically means the United States will have to be more involved in Egypt's transition to Democracy.

 This uprising from Egypt's citizens is kind of alarming to the United States, due to the fact that it might stir things up in the Middle East and create more uprisings. Which will mean more involvement of the U.S. Military and government.

I will continue to follow up with this story and will post updates!

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