Friday, April 15, 2011

Commentary On "Are We Really Giving a Helping Hand?"

While reviewing all editorials from my classmates, I found one that really interested me. The name of editorial is "Are We Really Giving a Helping Hand?" by Harry C. and he makes a good point talking on how the Government involvement on international affairs, such as Libya is not really helping. I completely agree with the involvement of Government in Libya it's only affecting our economy even more. I understand that as good Americans we're supposed to help out, but when it includes violence and dropping bombs in another country then that's different. I can just imagine if we were the ones being bombarded by a foreign country if we're struggling. I also think that if the Government knows how critical our economy situation is, then they should be smart enough to know that if you don't have money you can't spend it. You can't help someone else when you're obviously the one that needs help. 

My classmate Harry did an amazing job in bringing up this point. It's sad but it's not the first time the Government does this. We're supposed to learn by experience, but apparently this is the case where we won't learn until something REALLY bad happens. So, as my classmate says "Let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst"!!

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