Friday, April 29, 2011

What's going on????

As I posted on my profile, I am currently in the Navy Reserves. A couples of weeks ago I heard about the Governments shutdown. It was hard to understand what they were talking about, then I was informed of what was going on. As me being a member of the military off course it was going to affect me. I got a letter from my command saying that I might have to keep going on my drill weekends without getting paid. As you might understand, taking time off from work and having to drive to be in a place where you're losing money just for being there and do NOTHING was kind of hard. I started doing some research, and came to the conclusion that this is really bad. What this country is going through right now is not easy. People are losing their jobs, they rate of homeless people is increasing and this scares me.

A Government shutdown has not been even thought of in many years. To me this means the Government is becoming unstable. Rivalry has always existed between political parties, but this is getting very bad. The two political parties not being able to come to any agreements, is affecting our country big time.

I think the Government should stop their differences outside, stop for a minute and realling think about how all their fighting is affecting us. It's not a game, they are running a whole nation. They're basically playing with our lifes. This is what this government needs right now, they need to focus on the main thing the sanity and stability of their own people!

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