Friday, April 1, 2011


I remember when I first saw that Obama was running for president, I was in shock. To me having a black president was the sign of change! Something, good was about to happen. This is the mistake. Many of us don't realize that issues cannot be fix with magic. We thought the situation was going to change immediately. I finally came to realize that is not mostly the president, it is the people underneath him who govern this country. It's easy to judge and point fingers and blame everything on the head of our country (president Obama), not realizing that the issues are consequences of something that had already begun since our last president, Mr. Bush.

Everything that is going on in the U.S. is scary. High prices on gas again, uprising of middle eastern countries, creating a huge economical impact on the U.S. and natural catastrophes around the world that have added to this economical downfall. If we think about it, and put our feet in Obama's shoes, it's not easy to be the first black president, which already off course put a big weigh on him, because he did really want to make true his promises. All this is hard, when events that came as a consequence of the past running political party start to come out and create so much chaos in the world's economy.

The day when we all stop blaming each other for stuff and realize that our actions create reaction, then that day we will understand what the truth is, and what's really going on with our country and the world.


  1. I recently had the opportunity to read the comments made by Maria Jaramillo on her blog Beyond Understanding, with a post titled NEW PRESIDENT AT THE WRONG TIME!!. It was interesting to see her approach to President Obama’s position as the new President of The United States. It appears that a big focus is made to his race as Jaramillo commented about Mr. Obama, “being a black President was the sign of change.” It is interesting how she is able to convey to the reader that while President Obama is not like the other Presidents, he is still subject to the pressure made by the Senate and Congress gearing him towards their own political party agenda.

    It is clear that shortly after Mr. Obama became President, Congress decided to idle on many plans or projects where the President needed their support. So it appears that Congress would rather go the opposite way of the President’s wishes (even if their decision affects the country), than to agree to his ideals for what might be best. Our country wants to stimulate the thinking minds of the American people by continuing to apply the foundation for democracy; rather than looking at the pros and cons of any law or directive issued by Congress with the only objective to bash it if it comes from the President. The opposite of the President’s proposed ideas appears more satisfactory than giving the country what it really deserves.

    Now, what really caught my attention was the title: “New President at the Wrong Time.” The only objection to this is when is it really the right time for a president? No matter what time in history, presidents will always have their own challenges, and these challenges are the ones that help initiate the fuel to our democracy. So as Jaramillo says, “when we all stop blaming each other, then we’ll understand what really is going on.”

    Harry C.

  2. As I read my colleague’s blog post “New President At Wrong Time” I felt torn because I both agree and disagree. I agree that Obama being the first black president reflects a great change of the American people’s attitudes and what is acceptable. The country looked past common racial barriers and listened to Obama to see if he could be the candidate to solve our problems or at least make life easier on us. I don’t believe that the American people thought by voting Obama as president all our problems would go away. Instead Americans were tired of President Bush doing whatever he wanted, even costing Americans billions of dollars by involving us in unjustified wars. I think people knew Obama wasn’t going to fix it all but he at least he promised change.

    I agree that the president takes the blame for a lot of bad choices on the part of congress and the other various branches of government. But when the average American thinks of government, the next thought is the current president. The president knows that he will be held accountable for things that have nothing to do with him, but that is what happens when your head of the country. You’re also head of most government related problems as far as citizens are concerned. Unfortunately, that is probably due to citizen’s lack of knowledge on how the government and the political system work.

    I disagree that Obama really wanted to make his promises true. I think he focused on what the big issues were at the time and capitalized on them to win the presidency. But to be honest that is what it takes to win a campaign. He has had the opportunity to remove the troops from Iraq, yet they are still there. He has had the option to propose a budget that would get our nation out of debt yet the budget he proposed was not nearly aggressive enough to do us any good.

    As my colleague states these issues stemmed from previous presidencies but as being president it is Obama’s job to do his very best to resolve these chaotic and consequential events. He has assisted the American people in continued tax breaks, health care reform, and his effort to hammer out a budget with GOP in order to avoid government shutdown. Although I don’t believe we have seen his best I do know he is not afraid to go against the grain to get things done.
